Jonathan Lozano Mayo

Weinberg Institute, Austin, Texas

Hi! My name is Jonathan. I am a Ph.D student at the Weinberg theory group of the University of Texas at Austin working on the field of Heavy-ion collisions. I'm also interested in the field of topological and non-topological solitons, Higgs physics, electroweak symmetry breaking, the use of axions to address the strong CP problem and as a candidate for Dark matter, fundamental symmetries and its posible violations, collider phenomenology, and effective field theory applications.

Previously, I was a BSc student in the Faculty of science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, advised by Manuel Torres Labansat. My BSc research focused on studying the spontaneous symmetry breaking of gauge symmetries in scalar theories in a potential with two continuous vacuum families. Besides, I studied the properties of topological and non-topological field configurations such as kinks, vortices and instantons. I am also studyng mechanisms to obtain static multikink configurations using deformed potentials with a degeneracy parameter. I'm passionate about quantum field theory, in particular, the topics of physics beyond the standard model, vacuum decay, effective field theories, and non-perturbative fenomena in field theories.


Feb, 2022

Awarded the Juan Manuel Lozano Mejia diploma 2021.

Oct 9, 2021

Gave the talk Multi-solitones en teorías escalares de campo con vacíos no-degenerados: el modelo doble de Sine-Gordon at the LXVI National Physics Congress. Mexican Physical Society.

© Copyright 2021 Jonathan Lozano Mayo.